About Me

Picture of Me

While I currently call Rolla my home, I grew up in central Minnesota in the Staples/Motley area. I enjoyed my time there and the cold winters helped me discover the joys of fun in the snow. I got to know many of the ski resorts in Minnesota, and still enjoy hitting the slopes as often as possible.

I graduated High School in 2001 after having tried almost every sport available and being the head technician at our auditorium for two years. I left Minnesota to attend college at the University of Missouri - Rolla. I joined the ResLife program through our Resident Hall Association and never looked back. I served as National Communications Coordinator for a year and as Co-Chair for a year and a half. I grew very attached to MACURH and NACURH and enjoyed my time in ResLife. During my fourth and fifth(current) years at Rolla, I joined the Student Union Board's Light and Sound Committee where I re-discovered my passion for designing and using sound setups.

Currently, I'm on co-op in St. Louis working for Monsanto Company in the HR IT department and enjoying the work tremendously.

I'm not a very religious man, but I classify my religion as "agnostic socialist". If you need me to explain what this is, I'm more then happy to; just get in touch with me. One of my philosophies can be found under my writing section, or here. I also live by two statements, they are listed below:
"Don't worry about the past, it's over. Don't worry about the future, it will come. Work on the present, because it's all you can change."
"Don't change for anyone, because those that want you to be someone else don't matter, and those who like you for you, won't care."

About Me | Contact Me| ©2005 Jason Reck -- Last Updated 9/06/05